The organizing committee of ICMMAS’17 has negotiated appropriate accommodations at some hotels, with discounted hotel rooms’ rates starting from 1000 Rubles (shared rooms) to 4400 Rubles (single rooms). All hotels are located close to the University. Discounted hotel rooms rates at the hotels will only be given to registered participants during the conference days.
All confirmed participants are kindly recommended to book accommodation;
Noting that, a priority of reservation (quality and price) will be given to the participants who confirmed their participation more early.
Single room 4400 Rubles; Double room 4800 Rubles (per night, breakfast included).
For more details, visit
Single room 3600 Rubles; Double room 4500 Rubles (per night, breakfast included).
For more details, visit
Single room 1500 Rubles; Double room 2000 Rubles (per night, breakfast included).
This hotel located inside the University campus.